La Naranja

• Name and Last Name: Darling Noelia Herrera Torres
• Age: 26 years old.
• ID: 323-071293-0003Y
• Telephone: 8415-7043
• Cooperative: 15 de Septiembre
• Farm Name: La Naranja
• Coffee Area: 5 mz
• Variety: Parainema y catuai
• Other crops: Banana, plátano, naranja.
• Under shade. What kind of shade: Plátano, guaba
• Organic / Conventional: Orgánico
• Farm history / family / why the name of the farm?
My father owned these lands, and they already had that name, but he inherited all his children so that we could work. I live in a place that is 100% pure coffee, and my dad has always dedicated himself to this crop.
He always supported me in handling the coffee during the time I was studying and I had to meet other classmates, do homeworks and tasks, so when I had free time I would come with him here and he would explain to me how all the handling was and so I copied everything he said.
I have always liked to know where the process begins, for example the bag filling, the seed, after that the planting, I was always interested and now I already work on my own plot.
I have a brother from my father and mother, who is also in the cooperative, and there are o 8 brothers from my father’s side, two of them younger than me, they also work in the cooperative. Our parcels are linked, so we all help each other in the management of the parcels and at the time of harvest we distribute the tasks.
• What were the good practices that you implemented that made you a winner of the Cup of Excellence program?
Mainly the procedure that is given at the time it is cut, we only cut the red, we use organic fertilizer, the exact time in the fertilization, the clean and natural water in the washing, we apply fertilizer that is made with coffee pulp and guineo stem.
• What do you think of the cup of excellence program? Have you participated before / What do you think about participating?

I had never participated, and when they called me I was happy because this are opportunities that God gives us and knowing that my coffee qualified in the excellence rate makes me feel good, and I realize that all this effort is worth it.
• How do you feel about being one of the winners?

I am very proud because I am a finalist participant of the cup of excellence at an international level, those who buy my coffee know that they are helping a family, a small producer, since I am PRODECOOP, I am quality coffee, and I motivate them to consume my quality coffee.

• Why your coffee is a quality coffee? What do you have to say for the customers?

Customers should be motivated when buying this coffee, as it is a quality coffee treated with a process of quality standards, and it is organic coffee. You will notice when consuming that it is a quality coffee and that is why it is participating in the cup of excellence, an international competition and I urge you to consume our coffee in this way.